Noden found a new INDIA!

It has been hard for me to admit that our Noden community has gone into what I perceive to be a momentary and necessary hibernation. There is little ongoing at the moment in planning and in manifesting the big ideas we were talking about around Noden’s workshop diversity expansion, the inclusion of events for kids and even Noden member retreats and festivals. I don’t think anyone is to blame and that we are all aware of the current limitations that weigh heavy on the inner motivation.

Despite the momentary pause of physical events and gatherings, the majority of our members have decided to stay, support and wait it out for better times to come. That shows appreciation and dedication to the space and community we created. But finally there are some exciting news to share. Something probably caused by humanity spending so much time online.

We found a friend, a like-minded community, a sister-from-another-mister on the other side of the world….in INDIA! 

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I found a community interviewed in Bangalore , that sounded pretty similar to what we are doing over here in Stockholm through a podcast about collectives and communities, where Noden and the whole ecosystem around Blivande were featured.

“That Extra Step“ is a co-created effort organising events for people interested in connection in a highly urbanised environment. The three co-fouders noticed the lack of physical places to meet and interact in Bangalore's urban landscape. Sure, there were bars and restaurants, but those places are inherently linked to drinking alcohol and not financially accessible to everyone. Their uniqueness and alcohol-free approach to socialising was covered in local media outlets and led to a constant increase in members. They started, I am quoting their own words here, a place “ to create a sense of belonging by building a community that enables fun and transformative experiences.” Yes, that is pretty much us. 

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A couple of days ago, we had an online meet up with Shuba and Abhay, two of the co-founders and we realized that our communities, even though similar in essence and purpose excel in different aspects, which really motivated us to learn from each other. 

Something to Learn: Living Online

That Extra Step organised their events pre-covid in venues they rented and if possible outside. Already then, they were collectively dreaming of their own space. Because of the pandemic and strict restrictions in India, that dream got put to a halt and efforts went into  enabling a vibrant digital community. 

Using different channels, they have created a place, where people meet to feel less isolated by sharing food, movies and gamenights together. Community members are interested in remotely teaching each other skills ranging from tax declaration and first aid response to languages and painting. Weekly meetings, where emotionally charged topics are openly discussed, are designed to allow different points of view and non-judgmental curiosity. In their point of view it is even more inclusive towards for example introverts than big meet-ups and busy workshops. The online connection is so strong, that members have called up the group for support even when in the hospital. This is so impressive. 

Through consistency and simply showing up every week with the intention to stay connected, this IRL community morphed into something viable on the internet. 

Noden tried, in the very beginning of the pandemic and again shortly after the tightening of recommendations in fall, to create an facilitate online spaces. However, we have not been successful in keeping them going and actually fostering connection online. So we will ask our new friend! In the coming weeks, we will meet once again with Shuba to talk about their online strategy and attend one of their online members' welcome events. There is a lot of potential we have not really tapped into. Truth is nobody knows how long we will have to restrict physical meetings and it would be heartbreaking if Noden was discontinued and forgotten. Let’s try something new.

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Something to Share: Getting a Home Base

That Extra Step is very interested in hearing our story on how we established our physical space in Central Stockholm. The perks, challenges and responsibilities that come with it. They are moving their physical community out to Goa, where they are planning to slowly build a center that allows for workshops and gatherings of the now more widespread national community. “A summer camp for adults”. A continuation of the sober intentional and transformational space.

My potential-loving mind sees a future collaboration of That Extra Step and Noden, where we visit each other once a year with an ambassador program. But! First things first, let’s deepen our friendship online, it is not the time to travel anyways. Who knows, there must be more friends out there. All sharing the mission to create community in urban spaces. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a network out there to visit and get inspired by? Noden would finally live up to its name. 

Take care and don’t forget that there are so many possibilities out there waiting to be discovered.

Much Love, Diana

Application for "Stöd till eget skapande, demokrati och folkbildning"

Hello Noden!

It is officially Application season in and around Blivande.

Noden will apply for financial support of "Stöd till eget skapande, demokrati och folkbildning".

There is already a lot of material available in form of text and pictures from previous applications Blivande composed that we can use to get inspired (Application season). This grand is very suitable for Noden as it especially adressees not-for profit organisations and cultural democratically co-created spaces. This is US.

We are starting the process of writing it NOW and want to open up the possibility of getting inspired by suggestions coming from the community in the spirit of co-creation and participation.

We were thinking of applying for projects encompassing collaborations between Noden, Frihamnstorget and Blivande. We are an eco-system and there is a lot of projects that would benefit us all.

This is an invitation to come with your ideas on what we could apply for that would benefit Noden and the greater eco-system.

  • What equipment is missing?

  • Are there any projects in your mind we could do in collaboration with Frihamnstorget or Blivande?

  • Is there something we need in the spaces to do certain events or workshops?

Check out the already sent in applications (Application season) and the requirements if you want to know more, otherwise write down some ideas in the forum and the group writing the grant will if they fit the grant and can be implemented.

Let’s do this!


Moving to the new Forum!

We’re moving to the new Forum <3

The Noden Loomio page will move to the Blivande forum site as of October 1, in a process of making the communication more efficient, both in the Noden group internally and between the different factions residing in House Blivande. This means that all discussions, questions and communicative processes will from now on be held in a new forum page at

As we all know, facebook is not the best media for constructive discussions and decision making. Historically, we have used a Loomio-page to discuss and communicate about all things concerning Noden and the community surrounding it in a better organized fashion. However, we do always strive for development when it comes to efficiency and clear channels for communication. That is why all of the functions previously found on the Loomio page will now be moved to a new exclusive group at the Blivande forum. This change of media will create better and easier means of communication for us in the Noden community, at the same time as it will bolster the connection between us and House Blivande.

The new forum is easy to use and has a better and more efficient design for the purpose of creating democratic and open processes for both internal and external communication. It will be open for anyone to read, but limited to the monthly donors to take active part in and to contribute in the discussions. The reason for this is to develop a more transparent process as of what the community is doing and in which direction we are going. This will create an openness that will allow potential new members to easier get a grasp of what Noden is, and what we are up to. In the forum, there will also be a pinned post which is open to anyone, paying or not, to write in, where questions can be asked by curious peers.

The forum will be used for all important discussions regarding Noden and the community surrounding it. As an active member, or as a member looking to become more active, you are highly recommended to take part in the new forum and join in on the fun going on there.

See you in the forum!